免疫用雞II型膠原動物模型:Chondrex Inc.提供各種物種和類型的高度純化的II型膠原、IX型和XI型軟骨膠原,用于建立CIA(膠原誘導的關節炎)模型。CIA可通過II型膠原在嚙齒類動物和非人靈長類動物中誘導而成。
免疫級別雞II型膠原(Immunization Grade Chick Type II Collagen)
CFA弗氏*佐劑;IFA (FICA) 弗氏不*佐劑;Collagen Induced Arthritis(CIA) 膠原誘導的關節炎; Chick type II collagen 雞II型膠原;Chondrex;
Chondrex Inc.提供各種物種和類型的高度純化的II型膠原、IX型和XI型軟骨膠原,用于建立CIA(膠原誘導的關節炎)模型。CIA可通過II型膠原在嚙齒類動物和非人靈長類動物中誘導而成,但有文獻報道,XI型膠原也能誘導小鼠和大鼠的關節炎模型,因為XI型膠原的α3(XI)鏈與II型膠原的α1(II)鏈*。另外,IX型膠原的自發性抗體也有助于小鼠多軟骨炎發病。科研人員需根據自身實驗目的選擇合適的膠原物種和類型。
一、供體動物(Animal Vendors)
二、飼養條件(Housing Conditions)
三、動物年齡和品系(Animal Age&Strains)
【品系Strains】:膠原誘導關節炎(CIA)模型的敏感程度與MHC-class II分子有關,其對免疫用II型膠原產生反應。詳見【表1. 建立CIA模型的常用大鼠和小鼠品種】。
【品系Strains】:高敏感大鼠品系(Sprague-Dawley (SD)(RT1f), Wistar (RT1u)(1), BioBreeding/ Diabetes-resistant (BB/DR)(RT1u) (9), Wistar Furth (RT1u), Louvain (LOU) (RT1u), Osborne-Mendal (OM) (RT1u), and Lewis (LEW) (RT1l) rats);
BB大鼠是用來建立CIA的品種。Dark Agouti (DA)大鼠對CIA高度敏感,但對油誘導的關節炎模型(礦物油:IFA,單獨)低敏感。因此,DA大鼠的CIA模型可能同時表現出兩種不同病理機制。因此,DA大鼠不建議用來建立CIA模型。
表1. 建立CIA模型的常用大小鼠品種(Mouse and Rat strains commonly used for CIA) | |||||
Mouse Strain | H-2 Type | CIA Susceptibility | Rat Strain | MHC RT1 haplotype | CIA Susceptibility |
DBA/1 | q | High | Sprague-Dawley (SD) | f | High |
B10.Q | q | High | Wistar | u | High |
B10.G | q | High | Lewis(Lew) | I | High |
NFR/N | q | High | BioBreeding (BB)/ Diabetes-resistant (DR) | u | High |
SWR | q | Resistant | Wistar Furth | u | High |
B10.RIII | r | High | Louvain | u | High |
B10 | b | Low | Osborne-Mendal (OM) | u | High |
C57BL/6 | b | Low | Dark Agouti (DA) | av1 | High |
C57BL/6 beige | b | Resistant | |||
C57BL/6 x 129/Sv | b | Low | |||
129/Sv | b | Resistant | |||
B10.D2/nSn | d | Resistant | |||
B10.D2/oSn | d | Resistant | |||
Balb/c nu/nu | d | Resistant | |||
C3H/He | k | Low | |||
B10.S | s | Resistant | |||
SJL/1 | s | Moderate | |||
C.B-17 scid/scid | Resistant |
選擇合適的CIA模型用II型膠原取決于動物品系(strain),比如DBA/1小鼠對雞或牛II型膠原(bovine type II collagen)反應很強,然而,C57BL/6小鼠對雞II型膠原(Chick type II collagen)反應很強。
品牌 | 名稱 | 貨號 | 規格 |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Chick Type II Collagen 雞II型膠原 | 20011 | 10 mg, lyophilized |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Chick Type II Collagen 雞II型膠原 | 20012 | 2 mg/ml x 5 ml |
Mouse Collagen-Induced Arthritis Protocol
Rat Collagen-Induced Arthritis Protocol
品牌 | 名稱 | 貨號 | 規格 |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Bovine Type II Collagen 牛II型膠原 | 20021 | 10 mg, lyophilized |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Bovine Type II Collagen牛II型膠原 | 20022 | 2 mg/ml x 5 ml |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Chick Type II Collagen 雞II型膠原 | 20011 | 10 mg, lyophilized |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Chick Type II Collagen 雞II型膠原 | 20012 | 2 mg/ml x 5 ml |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Porcine Type II Collagen 豬II型膠原 | 20031 | 10 mg, lyophilized |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Porcine Type II Collagen 豬II型膠原 | 20032 | 2 mg/ml x 5 ml |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Bovine Type IX Collagen 牛IX型膠原 | 1072 | 5 mg, lyophilized |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Chick Type IX Collagen 雞IX型膠原 | 1071 | 5 mg, lyophilized |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Porcine Type IX Collagen 豬IX型膠原 | 1073 | 5 mg, lyophilized |
Chondrex | Immunization Grade Bovine Type XI Collagen niuXI型膠原 | 1082 | 5 mg, lyophilized |
Chondrex | 免疫級雛雞 Type XI Collagen 雞XI型膠原 | 1081 | 5 mg, lyophilized |
Chondrex | 免疫級豬Type XI Collagen 豬XI型膠原 | 1083 | 5 mg, lyophilized |
— —Written/Edited by V. Shallan【版權歸MKBio懋康所有】
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